autumn ahn




a tall action is not a height, 2017, The Chimney, NY
      solo exhibition
      video RT: 00:07:47


Curated by: Anissa Touati
Documentation & Video: CJ Baker, Pete Ellis

Catalogue published by The Chimney, printed by SNEL, Brussels
with contributions by:
Anissa Touati
Clara Darrason
Jennifer Houdrouge
Asli Seven
Press Release, here

       If human life is not the catalyst of movement, how does it harness movement? Thinking about risk, futility, sanctuary spaces, and if the human body can avoid becoming the most dominant force in its environment, this sprawling installation and activation explored the origins of the construction of language. Ahn’s body perambulates through the textures of raw and found materials, articulating their resonant sensory entanglements with space: the terrain drawn by light and shadow, field recordings, and the relation of the human body to forces of gravity. Inspired by automatic writing practices in Eastern and Western cultures, and the abstract work of Gertrude Stein, this exhibition and performance brings attention to the interplay of hierarchical structures that are untethered from concrete meaning often attributed to physical reality and the symbols that occupy it.
a tall action is not a height, photo of live performance, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, still from video documentation, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, still from video documentation, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, still from video documentation, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, still from video projection, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, still from video documentation, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, still from video documentation, 2017, The Chimney, NYC
a tall action is not a height, catalogue cover design, 2018 

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